Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcome To Your Fantasy!

Moving everything over here to the amazing New Card Game blog.  Keeping all my thoughts in one place.

Threat Mechanic

When a player does damage to an enemy, the card played should have a damage amount listed and a threat value, the card is then attached to the enemy.  If another player does damage to the same target, the threat value is compared to the current attached threat:

 -  if it's higher, the enemy shifts its focus to the new player (effectively the player just 'pulled' the enemy)

 -  if it is lower, the enemy maintains it's focus on the current player.

Tank roles would of course have abilities that could either immediately pull enemies, or their attacks would have a higher threat to damage value rating (likely healing classes, too).  Damage classes could also have lower threat to damage attacks.

Enemy AoE Abilities

AoE abilities affect all players, unless they have a card in play that states they are out of AoE range.  This would then allow them to only play ranged attacks or equivalent abilities/spells/etc.  Reaction cards ("Dodge!") could cancel or avoid AoE effects.


  1. I like the threat mechanic! It's clear and sounds like it simulates threat in raid type games pretty well.

    The AOE thing sounds cool too. Maybe if you choose to burn a reaction card on dodging, that's your turn. I don't know if your game has "turns" but I'm just thinking some cost other than just the card if you're going to avoid the AOE damage. Like maybe you'll just soak it up by choice if you want that card for something else.

    Another idea I thought of for a raid-based game, is a way to simulate re-charge time for abilities. It can be as simple as "the card is tapped" so the ability can't be used again until the next upkeep phase. Or, if there are abilities that are more powerful, you can say have 3-2-1 around the cards and you rotate them each turn till they're back to "fully charged" and ready to use.

    Along that same line, you know how in some games the longer you charge a skill/power, the more powerful it is when you use it. So you can even have power cards that have varying stats around the card that if you keep charging them (rotating them each turn or whatever) they can reach a more potent damage amount. The off side to that being, you're jamming up that card slot that could be used by some other card in your arsenal.


  2. I think I like the idea of each turn a player can do as much as they can do, so if you can do multiple attacks or something, as long as you have the cards you can do it. Burning a reaction card to avoid AoE, but do nothing else for your turn, makes a lot of sense. That way if you had a series of cards you wanted to play, you would have to decide to either miss your turn to avoid the attack, or just soak it up. Then, maybe some more deft characters could just play a Dodge card, and then continue with their turn as normal.

    As far as the skill charge, I THINK I want to keep that a part of the deck itself. So, the deck may have 4 copies of a card that has a shorter "charge time" so it will come out more often, vs. a more powerful attack that might have certain pre-requisites before it can be performed (and then it will burn those cards) to reflect the larger recharge time.

    TRYING to conceptually keep this relatively low complexity, so as much as I can link rules to the decks (which are pre-constructed) and how they are designed to work, the better. I think that will be harder to do that it sounds, so I will probably need to transfer some of that to the playing area and bake in timing mechanics, etc.
