Friday, August 16, 2013

Re-thinking Threat

So I think the original threat mechanic meant to have the most recent attack card placed on the target to see what the current threat was and compare future attacks against that card to see if the target is then pulled to the most recent attacker.  I think this is a bit tough to manage as a regular rule, and would be better suited for special cards.  I think the normal rule should be a threat number right on the target card itself and would work like this:

First attack on any target in the queue would result in a pull.

Subsequent attacks on the target must have a high enough threat to meet or beat printed value on card to see if the card is then pulled by the new attacker.

Some attack cards would actually be placed on the target to either raise or lower the threat of the card.

I was trying to think through how, for example, you would handle an AoE attack.  Let's say you  AoE all the enemy cards in the queue (that are currently not pulled by any player).  You end up pulling 3 of them.  Do you then somehow place your AoE card on all three enemy cards?  Arrange them in a column under each attack card that pulled them?  Seems messy.  Maybe having a printed value will eliminate that potential ugliness.

Something to consider for further design discussions.


  1. I like the threat value printed right on the card. I don't know how your visualizing the player mat/player area, but it can be handled as simply as "I pulled monster x, that card is now in front of me." Others can still attack it obviously but until someone hits a certain damage/heal threshold, the card stays put.

    1. That's exactly how I see it now. Initially, I thought each attack card would attach to show the current threat, based on previous attacks, but now I like just sticking the threat right on the card. Again, CERTAIN attacks with attach with maybe a modified threat value (like higher for tanks, lower for others). I also like the idea of being able to sort of craft an enemy behavior by having a high threat = only pull it if you know you can take it, or the tank has a pull anything card, or you can stun, etc. vs. a low threat which is easily pulled off of a player.

  2. How to handle AOE attacks might be one of those areas we really need to innovate and come up with a "cool mechanic". In raiding games, you can usually/sometimes control where your attack is going to land, so you don't accidentally pull adds or anything else. But that element of risk that you MIGHT pull some adds could be something fun to explore.

    1. Interesting point. How to add a random effect to an AoE attack... Maybe we add a set of random numbers to the villain deck cards where if you need a random number, you just flip the next card and see what the number is? So maybe the ability would read: "do 1 point of damage to all enemies in play, pull any enemies with a threat <= random number (flipped from the villain deck)?"

    2. That could also add some variance in certain powers that are both good and bad, and of course certain bosses might have a penchant for high/low random numbers on their cards...
