Friday, October 10, 2014


Got it.

Stealing a mechanic from Dreadfleet and I think X-Wing, there will be a damage deck where one side of the card will be 'wound' and the other side with have some sort of critical or lasting affect.

 - Character wounds will be dealt in cards and tracked next to the character card.

 - Mob wounds will be tracked next to the mob card and each mob will have a certain threshold of wounds before they are 'actually wounded', in which case the flipped card will have a border so when the card is placed under the mob you can see how many REAL wounds it has.  If the characters fail to beat the threshold in a given turn, then all the wounds are removed for the next round and they need to start again, but REAL wounds persist between turns.

 - Maybe threat can be handled similarly.  Maybe threat is printed on the card in such a way that it can be slid under the mob when it has been pulled.  If another attack is played on that mob that beats the threat, the character owning the current threat gets the card back and the new player pulls the mob and places the new threat beneath it.  Interesting.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Okay, there are only so many things that can keep my attention for so long.  Right now I have: work training, electric cardboard mayhem, landscaping and prepping our car for sale, and TPK again.  I find that I am enthused about one at a time and then my interest wanes and I need to move around to keep them all fresh.

Right now, I'm back to TPK (for awhile)!

I haven't read through any of the past posts to re-familiarize myself with just what the hell TPK was about before, particularly the dice incarnation (which went no where...), so I'll again post some new barebones idears about how I'm thinking the new version will play.

TPK: The Deckbuilder!

Much like I was enamored by the preconstructed decks from SotM, I'm now enamored by the deckbuilding and 'combo' mechanics of Star Realms and Legendary combined with the shared deck of cards to build your deck a la Ascension and Shadowrun, topped off with some role based cards, also from Shadowrun, my brain has sort of taken this in a new direction.  Let me braindump:

 - Standard deck building mechanic: draw your hand, play your hand, discard your hand, buy cards, put them in discard pile.

 - Each role (tank, healz, dps, ranged dps, magic dps) will have their own deck.  The deck will have cards that are themed for that role but also have 'combo' icons on some of them (most of them?).  These combos will proc when you play them in the same hand. ex. each card will have a base ability: +1 damage.  Then it will have a proc: (tank icon) +1 damage, pull damaged target.

 - All the character decks are shuffled together to make a single Party Draw Deck.  The PDD is used to fill out the line of cards that players can purchase with XP (the gold/resources of this game).

 - Each character card will have some combo icon(s) on it, along with other abilities, that will essentially mean that character auto combos a level one combo when that character plays that card.  So when players have the option to buy cards from the PDD, they can of course buy cards that are not their combo icons, but they will be BETTER suited to purchase those cards since they will proc more often.  This should allow for some interesting dual-classing sorts of situations and not everyone should feel like they can only do one thing (healing kind of healer, etc.)

 - There will be a dungeon deck that contains all the baddies and crap the players need to defeat to win the game.  I'm thinking along the lines of LotR where there are certain themes of cards that interact well together and are bundled together, so for example "Greenskins" or "Undead".  Each dungeon will have a collection of these mini-decks shuffled together along with some specific cards to make the bad guy deck.

 - Bad guys might also have XP tied to it that if you defeat it you can add it to your deck as XP.

 - Each turn you flip X cards depending on scenario or player count.  The cards could have flip abilities that take effect immediately or they just sit there for the round.  Then the players each take a turn to try and defeat them before the next round where more cards are flipped from the baddie deck.

 - When it's the baddies turn, whoever they attack whomever they have been pulled to.  If they are still unengaged, they go to the person with the preference listed on the baddies card.  Attack abilities will be listed on the card or maybe the Dungeon Deck rules... or something.

 - On a player turn, they play the cards from their hand to build pools of resources.  Likely only XP and Fight, where XP is used to purchase PDD cards, and Fight is used to fight, maybe purchase additional abilities listed on cards, etc.

 - When a mob takes damage, the player that does the damage puts a threat counter on the mob= to the highest threat listed on the cards that are doing damage, or abilities proc'd, etc.  Then, pull that mob infront of the character card.  If another player damages the mob and the threat is higher, then the card moves to the character damaging it, etc.

 - Maybe a damage threshold needs to be met before any wounds are suffered.

 - Character Damage Idear:  When a character takes damage, they take x damage cards into their discard pile.  Maybe each character will have a level where if they get x damage cards in their hand at once, they either lose a turn from fatigue, or outright die.  So maybe a wiznard has a threshold of 2 and a tank has 4 or something.  No idea how that will playout in the long run and maybe there will be so many wound cards in teh deck, but not enough to die, that the game will just degenerate into a slow march to death.  Dunno.

That's all for now, folks!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


While we didn't have the formal "game jam" I had hoped for this weekend, there were some fantastic brainstorming sessions with Eric, Mike, and myself. We got very close to an awesome game, and I can't wait for Eric to present some of the results.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Alright, with Cayucos coming up, and Rudy pestering me to work on TPK, I've been thinking of an alternative to possibly bring to Game Jam 2014 - TPK Dice!

Here's a list of idears, inspiration, and abstracts of how I think the game should play:

 - Characters have a stat card, and dice pool.  Dice determine resources you can spend on abilities and defense against attacking mobs and bosses.

 - Attacking mobs and bosses move dice into the pools for whomever they are attacking and sort of actively work against them.  So when the player rolls on their turn to generate resources they also have to roll the mob/boss dice and then deal with the outcomes.  Maybe the bad die cancels good dice, maybe it does damage, maybe it clogs resources, etc.

 - Trying to make threat a big deal again, so somehow need to have the tank pull dice from other players, and have the players pull dice when they attack.  Maybe the different dice face will have a random range of threat and if another player does damage that exceeds the number, then the dice shift to the new player.

 - Maybe baddies consist of multiple dice that are both their damage and their ability to mess with each player.  So an orc has three dice that gets added to a pool, a dragon has 8, etc. Maybe some spells effects just clog the rolls but can be weeded out one per turn.

 - Focus, charging, and cooldowns.  To focus an ability, must allocate X dice per turn.  To charge must allocate 1 die per turn, cumulative.  And to cooldown, you spend X dice and then return one to the pool each turn and cant use the ability until all have been pulled off.

- Loot can be either kewl dice that just exist on their own, or maybe dice that have a card with them with details of what the dice can do.  Maybe both.  So a 'green' rarity would just be dice, and maybe an epic or legendary would be dice with a card that adds new abilities.

 - Leveling and specing would could be flipping the character sheet and maybe adding cards to expand the sheet with new abilities.

 - The dungeons can be on a large card with maybe different zones the players need to move through.  Each phase of the dungeon will have any special rules on the card, and show what mobs await.  Or it will be card based again, dunno.  I think the predetermined dungeon will allow for more certainty with game components, ie you likely couldn't have more orcs spawn than you have orc components in the game.  Also might help with game balancing.  Maybe a general board with X number of locations, and then random tiles that fill the locations so there is some variance to the mobs, but the location itself has the same special rules.  i.e. maybe the powder keg room is always there but sometimes flaming minions are there, maybe sometimes not - so the danger varies per dungeon run.

 - Maybe there would be character cards from 1 - 5 players.  5 separate cards for 5 players and roles, and say 4 cards with 3 separate roles and 1 combo role card with two DPS, but the ability costs are reduced to match the same die pool that needs to power both roles.

- More to come...