Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Card Formula

This is totally meaningless as it stands, and for lack of a better, more maths oriented method, I'm sort of pulling things from my ass that I think should probably be considered in a formula for deck building and balance.  I have no idea where to start, so I'm just listing things that will likely be under consideration.

Damage caused
Damage increased/decreased
Single/Multiple targets
Threat to damage ratio
Unique keyword
Draw a card
Avoid attacks/all damage
Soaking damage
Discard a card
Search deck
Search discard
Prevent enemy from attacking
Adds points/fuels combo

How I hope to be able to use this is to calculate a general, very general, cost per deck or cost per role cards per deck, to get a starting point for testing.  Since these numbers are totally going to be fudged and based on nothing, they will likely change.  My next thought is to sort of then create and balance the boss deck based on the value of the player deck(s).  We'll see.

I have printed some paper card templates out and pulled out a bunch of sleeved WoW cards I had to use as backing.  I'm fearful of starting this because I really have no idea where it will go and it might suck sooooo bad out of the gates I'll get discouraged and throw in the towel.  I hope not.


  1. Let me get all self-help and obnoxious on you. Your being "fearful of starting this" spiel is just fear of failure, which cripples you and you end up with nada. If me and Jael can knock out our little Mining Dice game, you can knock this out. Yes, it will most likely suck donkey dick because you're starting with a bunch of unknown stats and cards, but the ones that don't work should reveal themselves rather quickly. VASSAL. Once you get a more workable version going, whip something up I'm vassal so we can play test it quickly. You dont have to program actual rules into the module, just the txt and the cards.

  2. Also, think of all the Kickstarter games that have been funded that have turned out not very good. And all the REALLY bad ones that never reached their goals in the first place. I've bought some of those stinkers. Let that be your benchmark. Dont consider this game "done" till it's something that you'd be confident could succeed on Kickstarter and not get torn apart on BGG. The idea you have is rad and super soild, you just gotta work out the gamey part so its actually fun to play. With the combined gaming skills and knowledge of the AT, you'll know when it's there. DO EEET

  3. Big Guy: "Thanks for the food!"
