Friday, August 30, 2013

Basic Decks, Dunzo

Alright the basic decks are dunzo, and ready to be printed, cut, and tested out!  Against what?  I don't know, that's the next step!  So now, lets take these decks and start playing around with different Big Bad concepts we think up and see what happens!  Think gimmicky, think story, think how each Big Bad deck could behave TOTALLY differently from the last.  Do the German Elemental Lich!

I made a second tab on the spreadsheet to track each of the decks.  I made a r00d tab and an elzar tab.  Feel free to play around with the numbers or whatever in yours, I'll do the same in mine but I'll leave the OG up for reference.  Make a new tab with your big bad concept in it, I'll do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I will make my dummy decks tonight and start messing around the weekend :)
