Hex-based combat game with action resolution based on Apocalypse Engine RPG mechanic.
2D6 is THE roll.
10+ = total success, do what you want, with perfect success results. Your turn continues.
7-9 = partial success. You do what you want, but only halfway AND your opponent chooses a model to perform a partial success action with (MAYBE there are a few 'reaction' abilities to choose from vs. a partial action). Your turn continues.
6 or less = Fail. You perform no action, AND your opponent gets to perform a full action with a model. Your turn ENDS.
Command dice pool: Dice that are rolled on your turn and are assigned to players or used to influence rolls. If assigned to players, can be saved until used or removed, if used to influence rolls, spent immediately and returned to the pool for next turn.
- Perhaps different dice for different types? Combat, defense, movement, etc. that are determined by the team or 'Warcaster', then you choose X many to help directedly influence what you are trying to do in a particular turn. So a capture the flag scenario would have more movement dice at the beginning, more attack in the middle, and potentially more defense at the end as the game dictates.
Free facing changes, unless adjacent to an enemy. Front and rear arcs matter. Adjacent models matter both in attacking and defense.
Each model you activate causes a cumulative (-1) to the all subsequent activation rolls. So, first model activated = (-0), second model activated = (-1), third model activated = (-2), etc. This hopefully forces some focus on important parts of the board as well as adds some push your luck and stress to 'set-up' actions and sweeping play/power shifts on the board.
Oooo.... Maybe each time your opponent rolls, you gain a token. You can spend these tokens at any time, to either boost your stuff, proc skills, or add (+/-1) to rolls....
Base stats for models are 3 points distributed across 3 stats: Move, Attack, Defense. Each point is a +1 to any roll for that stat. 0/3/0 would be like a barbarian, 0/0/3 would be like a heavily armored pikeman, 1/1/1 would be a footman, 3/0/0 would be a scout, etc.
Thinking Guild Ball for model count. Small engagements to keep overall rules grind low. 5 - 10 models per side, 10 models use more rank and file, 5 models could have more special types. Want the game to be simple to learn, not hard to reference, but rich in actions, events, flow, and experience.
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