Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Damage. Grumble.

So, to make damage simple as checking boxes on a stat card or making it a bit more elegant and tied to a cool system. Thought storm:

Damage Via Statboxes
 - Lame and kind of derivative (Warmahordes, GB, etc.)
 - Likely need unique combatants, or units with shared stats and hit points. Not a bad thing.
 - Easy to start playing with. Likely will spawn other idears, so SHOULD just go ahead and try it.

Cool System/Elegant
 - Cool and elegant!
 - Challenge to come up with baseline and standard statuses. Healthy/Wounded/Critical/Dead, etc. And what do they mean, and how to track them without getting too many counters on the board.
 - Keeping me from progressing because I want something cool and elegant but can't figure out what it is, therefore I'm doing nothing.
 - Ex. Blood Bowl, where damage is status (up/down/face-down/injured). This works better for a non-lethal game or sport, but a combat game seems like it might not be very well suited.
 - Might lend itself to a more Chess-y sort of game and less of a tactical skirmish game. Not a bad thing, but right now I'm thinking tactical and fighty.

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