Friday, October 10, 2014


Got it.

Stealing a mechanic from Dreadfleet and I think X-Wing, there will be a damage deck where one side of the card will be 'wound' and the other side with have some sort of critical or lasting affect.

 - Character wounds will be dealt in cards and tracked next to the character card.

 - Mob wounds will be tracked next to the mob card and each mob will have a certain threshold of wounds before they are 'actually wounded', in which case the flipped card will have a border so when the card is placed under the mob you can see how many REAL wounds it has.  If the characters fail to beat the threshold in a given turn, then all the wounds are removed for the next round and they need to start again, but REAL wounds persist between turns.

 - Maybe threat can be handled similarly.  Maybe threat is printed on the card in such a way that it can be slid under the mob when it has been pulled.  If another attack is played on that mob that beats the threat, the character owning the current threat gets the card back and the new player pulls the mob and places the new threat beneath it.  Interesting.

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